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Jatin Shah Lecture Reconstructive H&N Surgery Lessons from the Past Opportunities for the Future
Dr. Jatin Shah : Lecture on Head and neck cancer surgery
Jatin Shah's Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 4th Edition
Shah Symposium – Conservation Surgery for Advanced Laryngeal Cancer
12-3 - Jatin P Shah - Treatment for Differentiated Cancer (Part 3)
Bringing Forward the Promise of Targeted Therapy to H&N Tumors Baselga
Bill Clinton Opens the IFHNOS and AHNS 2014 Meeting
AHNS/IFHNOS Opening Ceremony
BAOMS ASM 2012 - Oncological Craniofacial Surgery
An interview with Dr.Venkat Ramakrishnan, Breast reconstructive surgeon
Self Assessment in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology
Self-Assessment in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology